Reviews 2002-2007 | IKEMORIZ.COM | IKE MORIZ

Reviews 2002-2007


73. News, SA, 15.11.2007, song feature: "Starry Night"

Starry Night (single off 'All around the world”): Self-made indie-pop idol gets up close and personal with 5FM’s Elana Afrika on this swooning, Xmas-ready love song off his third CD, All Around The World.

72. Barney Simon, Radio 2000, SA, 13.11.2007

Barney Simon presented the new album ALL AROUND THE WORLD as 'featured album of the week' in his Tuesday night show. He played all tracks saying: 

"Fantastic album! I love it! The song 'Peace Dream' reminds me of David Bowie's Space Oddity"

71. Overtone,, SA, 24.10.2007: Featured Artist: Ike Moriz

Overtone South Africa 24 October 2007 Featured Artist Ike Moriz

SA indie-pop idol Ike Moriz’s press release is more abundant than a list of Michael Jackson lawsuits. Signed to UK label Mosquito, the baby-blue-eyed white boy is obviously comfortable in the buzz of the music industry, and is also obviously quite comfortable both on stage and in studio. South Africa prepares for the release of their own pop ambassador’s third studio album, All Around the World. But Overtone wants to know something from the man himself… (click on the pic for the interview)

70. Die Burger, Mariana Malan, Cape Town, SA, 03.03.2007: "Elana sing saam met Ike”

Die televisiepersoonlikheid Elana Afrika maak môre har debuut as sangeres op die verhoog. Sy tree op as agtergrondsanger vir die bekende sanger Ike Moriz in sy konsert wat in die botaniese tuin Kirstenbosch gehou word. 

Moriz is pas terug van England, waar sy twee albums "Mirrors & Shade" en "Play Me" baie gewild is. Hy vertel dat hy en Afrika mekaar leer ken het toe sy verlede jaar vir die televisieprogram “Jip” met hom n’ onderhou gevoer het. Later het hul paaie weer gekruis toe albei by ’n partytjie was waar die tydskrif FHM sy "FHM Sexiest Woman In The World 2006 - The Movie” bekend gestel het. Sy lied “Hey, Hey-Hey, Hey” is daarin gebruik. “Ek het gehoor hoe Elana saam met ’n ander lied van my sing, en het gehou van wat ek hoor. Ek het haar toe gevra of sy nie lus het om saam met my op te tree nie. Ons het in der waarheid so goed geklik dat ons nou ’n lied saam skryf, vertel hy. 

Daar wag nog ’n verrassing op konsertgangers Sondag. Moriz sing gewoonlik net sy eie werk, maar dié dag gaan hey vir die eerste keer in die openbaar David Bowie se lied “Starman” sing. Bowie self het hom genade om dit op te neem. 

Moriz kom oorspronklik van Kaapstad. Hey het onder meer in Nederland en Duitsland jazz gestudieer. Tot onlangs het hy in Londen gewoon, waar hy onder meer saam met die rock-orkes Stunt Double opgetree het. Hy het sy album “Mirrors & Shade” in 2002 by George Michael se platemaatskappy opgeneem. 

Hy was onlangs ook betrokke by die opname van "Greatest Love”, waarmee 13 welbekende kunstenaars geld insamel vir die projek “Differently Abled Children”. 

Hy werk tans aan sy derde solo-album. Dit gaan volgens hom baie anders wees as die eerste twee. Hy beplan om baie meer eksperimenteel te werk. Hy gaan die album deels plaaslik en deels in Londen opneem. Kaartjies vir môre se konsert kan by 0217998783 bespreek word. 

(English translationTelevision personality Elana Afrika will make her debut as a singer on stage tomorrow. She will perform as a background vocalist for the famous singer Ike Moriz at his concert held at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens.

Moriz has just returned from the UK, where his two albums "Mirrors & Shade" and "Play Me" are very popular. He says that he and Africa got to know each other when she interviewed him for the television program "Jip" last year. Later, their paths crossed again when they were both at a party where FHM magazine released its "FHM Sexiest Woman In The World 2006 - The Movie", using his song 'Hey, Hey-Hey, Hey'. "I heard Elana sing along to another song of mine, and I liked what I was hearing, so I asked her if she would like to perform with me, in fact, we clicked so well that we are now writing a song together", he says. 

Another surprise awaits concert-goers on Sunday. Moriz usually only sings his own work, but that day he will sing David Bowie's song "Starman" for the first time in public. Bowie himself suggested to him to record it. Moriz is originally from Cape Town. He studied jazz music in the Netherlands and Germany, among other places. Until recently, he lived in London, where he performed with the rock band Stunt Double, among others. He recorded his debut album "Mirrors & Shade" in 2002 with George Michael's record label. He was also recently involved in the recording of "Greatest Love", a project of 13 well-known artists raising money for the "Differently Abled Children” initiative. He is currently working on his third solo album. According to him, it will be very different from the first two. He plans to work much more experimentally. He will record the album partly locally and partly in London. Tickets for tomorrow's concert can be booked at 0217998783.)

69. Argus, The Good Weekend, Top20+, Lyntina Acmes  Cape Town, SA, 03.03.07: ‘Ike Moriz & Elana Afrika'


(caption: Ike Moriz and DJ Elana Afrika perform at Kirstenbosch tomorrow. For a chance to win one of five double tickets to any Appletizer Summer Sunset Concerts at Kirstenbosch see the bottom of the list.)

Indie pop-star and actor Ike Moriz will be performing with DJ Elana Afrika on vocals at the Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concert at 5.30pm tomorrow. Tickets are R40 for adults, R30 for students (with student card) and R15 for pupils. Call 0217998783/8620.

68. Argus, Tonight, Evan Milton, Cape Town, SA, 28.02.07: 'Rock on at these gigs' 

Argus Tonight Evan Milton Cape Town Summer Sounds Ike Moriz Kirstenbosch 28 February 2007

(caption: SUMMER SOUNDS: Ike Moriz heads the Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concert Series.)

Gauteng-based indie-popper and “Heat” headliner Ike Moriz styles the Appletizer Summer Sunset Concert by assembling around him an excellent local cast including Gorm Helfjord (g, Golliwog, Melanie Scholtz), Greg Schoeman (g, The Sunshines), Emelio Gassibe (b, Plush) and Mike Horne (d, Flat Stanley, Louise Carver) - and with guest vocals by 5FM DJ Elana Afrika (Sun, Kirstenbosch Garden, Rhodes Ave, …)

67. Elle Magazine, March 2007, page 153, Johannesburg, SA, March 2007: ‘Fashionably First'


Another SA magazine covers the story of indie idol Ike Moriz's visit to the FASHION TV CAFE 'ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY’ party  in Sandton on 2.12.06 with 5FM star DJ Elana Afrika.


ELLE magazine March 2007 Fashionably first Ike Moriz Elana Afrika Fashio TV Cafe Sandton Johannesburg

66. People Magazine, Vol 20 / No 49, Johannesburg, SA, 08.12.2006: “Local stars hit the town"

People Magazine December 2006 South Africa LOCAL STARS HIT THE TOWN  SA's indie idol Ike Moriz

SA's indie idol Ike Moriz visited the FASHION TV CAFE 'ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY' party in Sandton on 2.12.06 with his friend Elana Afrika (DJ from SA radio station KFM).

What a party!

65. The Star, Helen Herimbi, Johannesburg, SA, 09.10.2006


'Prodigal son' returns to show local musos what good music's all about

South Africans become expatriates for many sound reasons. The crime rate, the HIV/aids epidemic, the poverty - but not singer Ike Moriz. His reason for leaving our shores years ago was, in fact, because of the  sound. "Besides all the heavy metal, I was just sick of hearing good bands play cover songs. They were much better than that,"says the Capetonian who lived in London for five years but now calls Jozi home.
The adult contemporary artist is back in  SA not only because he missed the nature: "I love the outdoors, that's one of the  reasons I came back," but also to settle down here. He released his album, Play Me this year to an audience that is slowly but surely catching on to the man's style. While overseas, Ike had roles in Britishsoapies and made a significant living from starring in musicals. His resumé even includes that he taught mathematics and music in London. About this experience 
he says, as his eyes widen: "It was traumatic, the students seemed to have no respect for anybody and I had trouble keeping them under control." Needless to say he was only too happy to swap the blackboard for a studio booth.

The Star tonight 9 October 2006 Prodigal son returns to show local musos what good music's all about Ike Moriz

The crooner produces all of his own music and hopes to work with quite a few of SA's top musicians on  future projects. He is keen on collaborating with kwaito kid Brickz and has been in talks with Fokofpolisiekar to go into studio together. Speaking of the latter, Ike joked about how cool it would be to have him sing in Afrikaans while Fokofpolisiekar (attempt to) sing in English. This multi-faceted entertainer plays the piano, the guitar and the keyboard. He also shot videos for Play Me and I Feel Real, off the current album, in SA.

But it seems he is somewhat ambivalent about South African music, particularly the Cape Town scene. "I've noticed that they (the musicians) have become a lot  more authentic, a lot more open nowadays, a lot more meaningful, but most are still clueless," he pauses and thinks for a moment. Cautiously he continues. "Maybe that's not the right word, they're  (the musicians) sometimes just not interested in music. "Just how the South African public with buying power will receive the return of  the "prodigal son" remains to be seen. But from where I'm sitting  it seems as if Play Me has the potential to end up on repeat.

64. 24.COM, South Africa, October 2006 “Play Me” is getting much play

It’s the first single from his second album and “Play Me” has become a hit of its own glamourous accord. Ike Moriz too SA by the horns with his second album. The South African indie pop star released the first single off it called “Play Me”, which got major airplay both locally and internationally. After five years in London he had returned to South Africa to promote and launch the new album as well as perform for his fans. His new single has received positive response. You can decide for yourself.


Melanie says: Gorgeous
Both Ike's looks and sound are gorgeous! What a great international sound for a southafrican pop star! Awesome. I'll support him! Any day!!!

Nina says: What a fantastic sound! I love his songs!! I've seen Ike many times live now and heard his songs on the radio. They rock. His latest video is on MK89 now (I feel real). It's totally awesome!! Go IKE!!!

Suzan says: WOW, This is brilliant!! This guy is amazing. I rate him one of the top5 South African singers of the moment. His video rocks and the songs are so catchy!! also saw him live at the waterfront last weekend. he'll be the SA star of 2007 for sure!! Rock on!!

Tracy says: Cool, I like it, I heard the song on the radio and 
liked it straight away, had no idea he was South African. Look forward to hearing more off the album.

63. Cape Argus, John Monsoon, Cape Town, SA, 4.10.2006: "TICK, TICK, … BOOM"

"There is a rumour in the air that Cape Town music is about to ignite a fuse that will send SA music into orbit. It's a music explosion not seen (or heard) for at least a decade. We gathered some of the Mother City's  finest minds in music to see who is holding the matches." ... ""only really in the last  four years that indie rock has started to make its big global come-back and even in  the late 90s modern music just never had the sorts of bands that it has now," so it's  not too unusual that Cape Town bands are pushing the envelope and being noticed. "Ironic," says Ike Moriz, the well-selling solo artist, "Cape Town used to be known for its cover bands!"" ... "Moriz is passionate about his home town but also under no illusions that he sells more CDs in Gauteng, because "it's just the way it is". Cape Town bands are also generally more creative by way of location." ... 


Read Ike's latest interview from Sept'06 on DSTV channel MK89 (click here), 29.6.2006

Jy kan niks minder van Ike verwag as uitstekende, unieke, splinternuwe trots Suid Afrikaanse musiek met 'n erg internasionale klank. Ike Moriz het reeds in 2002 internasionale erkenning gekry toe hy as solo kunstenaar saam met George Michael en Marc Almond se vervaardiger, S. Kent in London gewerk het. Hy het egter reeds in 1995 sy eie musiek begin skryf asook vervaardig en het kort voor lank in SA, Duitsland en Holland musiek begin studeer. Sy liedjies het al op 17 verskillende lande se radio en tv stasies se speellyste gefeature. Sy singles het al hoog op die UK, Holland en SA se radio charts beland.

(English: You can expect nothing less from Ike than excellent, unique, brand new proud South African music with a very international sound. Ike Moriz already gained international recognition in 2002 when he worked as a solo artist with George Michael and Marc Almond's producer, S. Kent in London. However, he started writing and producing his own music as early as 1995 and soon began studying music in SA, Germany and Holland. His songs have already been featured on 17 different countries 'radio and TV stations' playlists. His singles have already landed high on the UK, Holland and SA's radio charts.)


MK89] You'll be launching the music video of 'I Feel Real' on Friday. What is the song about?

IM] 'I feel real' is about exciting changes, about leaving the past behind, burning bridges and finding new love.

 You worked with model Lisa-Marie Schneider previously. In 'I Feel Real' we get to see Lilian Ndlovu - could one make the very tentative statement that you enjoy working with models? 
 The music business is completely cooked! Having chosen to live this life on the edge of insanity, I need to have beautiful girls at my side. I'll have a smile on my face when they shut the coffin.

MK89] What is your favourite line from the song 'I feel real'?
IM] 'When all is gone / all is won'

MK89] What is your favourite line from any song that was ever written?
IM] 'I never knew the taste of blood till now. It's clear I never should have known' (Snow Patrol: Ways and Means)

MK89] Describe your ideal gig - possible or not.
IM] My band and I are playing a sold out Greenpoint Stadium. The stage is decorated with every single Reality TV Pop Idol, Pop Star and whatever else they might conjure up on the planet, hanging upside down on long ropes from the ceiling with taped mouths, dangling to the rhythm of the music. At the end of the show they all slide onto the stage, taking off their tapes and singing 'We are the world' completely out of tune while bursting into flames.

MK89] Your music has been described as 'Bowie without the glam meets Oasis without the self importance teamed with UK chart 'alternative' without the boredom' - in five words, describe the unique characteristics of your music. 
IM] Edgy, melodic, wounded, addictive, gorgeous.

MK89] If your music were an animal, what would it be?
IM] A white panther.

MK89] This video was directed by Johan Nel, immensely popular on MK89 for his direction of especially Fokofpolisiekar videos. Did he pick you, or did you pick him? Do you think his approach to your video was very different from his approach to theirs?
IM] I picked him at the end of a long list of directors because he's got energy and knows what it takes to create a gripping POP video with an edge. We are on a similar wave-length when it comes to creating strong visuals. It's all about getting the energy across to the audience, be it Fokof's or Ike's.

MK89] What do you think of Fokofpolisiekar? 
IM] I try to come to support as many of their shows as possible. We've become friends through Johan. Their music makes me feel good about the future of this country. SA and especially the Afrikaans music scene needs them. They are true rebels and I'm glad that they do what they do… otherwise I'd have to do it… I hope that the extreme conservatives of this country will never be able to stop them on their quest!

MK89] Which musician do you respect most?
IM] That's gotta be Bowie and Iggy Pop.

MK89] Why did you come back from London?
IM] It's smelly there. Neither Earl Grey tea nor Gin & Tonics could get me over that smell...

MK89] You acted in 'Love Actually' and 'Alfie' - did you ever speak to Jude Law or Renée Zellweger? If yes, what happened? Do you plan to continue acting in South Africa? 
IM] I had a long chat with Renée about The White Stripes. I kept on going on about how I really didn't like them too much till she mentioned that she was going out with the lead singer who also happened to stand behind me at the time. I just pretended losing my mind and wandered off looking for a quick and painless suicide... I only said 'hi & howzit' to Jude. There was no connection. Had a long chat with Kevin Costner about South African politics on 'The Upside of Anger' though. I really respect him: fantastic charisma. I'd love to do acting here, too, if I can find some time for it.

MK89] Like who would you like to…… fight? 

IM] Gandhi… 


IM] Antonio Banderas… 

MK89] ..make love? 

IM] My cat.

MK89] It's mentioned that the video was inspired by Tarentino film 'From dusk till dawn'. Will we see any blood-sucking? If not, why not? What is the concept behind the video. 
It's actually more the music that was inspired by the film, although the whole atmosphere of the visuals lives in a similar space. Lilian was wearing vampire teeth at some point, but it just looked too cheesy. The second someone started sucking blood, the intensity of a scene just got lost and plummeted down into the whole B-movie genre. So, we left the blood sucking to the professional vampires in the music industry. The concept behind the video is very straight forward: I build a huge pile of everything materialistic I own, all the 'rubbish', all the things we don't REALLY need but that enslave us. Then I burn it all. It's the most liberating experience! The end is open: either I'm burning along with all these objects or… not. I guess, if you don't like the music, I better get burned along with the rest. If you're loving it, I just about make it out of the flames…

MK89] Nice.

'I Feel Real' word by die Fashion TV Café bekend gestel Vrydag 8 September, 20:00. Daar is 3 dubbelstelle VIP-kaartjies op die spel. Sê net vir my wie die regisseur van Ike Moriz se nuwe musiekvideo was. Antwoorde na

61. Tonight Music, Cape Argus, Cape Town, SA, 14.09.2006

Tonight Music Argus Indie Idol Ike Moriz launches video 14 September 2006

(caption: INDIE IDOL: Ike Moriz launches the video for his latest single at Opium on Friday.)

 "Cape Town's CD launches continue with Ike Moriz and Madame Afrique. Moriz has been dubbed "South Africa's indie idol", and rightly so. Moriz cut his teeth on local music and drama productions and then headed to London where he signed to Mosquito Records. He launches a Tarantinoesque video for his new single, I Feel Real (Friday, Opium, 6 Dixon Street, De Waterkant, Greenpoint, Cape Town, R50, 10pm)."

60. S.J., Represent, Johannesburg, SA, 04.09.2006, "SA rock artist Ike Moriz back in South Africa

WATCH THIS FACE – and it’s a gorgeous face at that – ladies you’ll love SA’s next big Rock boy, step aside Arno, IKE MORIZ is here. Welcome back to SA Ike, we’re glad you’re home, we wish you all the best in your musical dreams… COME ON FANS – give Ike lots of love. See IKE’s website here.

Capetonian Ike Moriz comes from a very artistic family of designer…s & musicians. He was exposed to theatre, literature, music and art from an early age. Already during his secondary school years, he showed a great talent for writing, acting (Sybil Sands agency, CT) & performing. After a short flirt with modelling (Elite Models), psychology & business studies, the young artist started his career by studying music (Jazz performers) at UCT. His fascination with International Pop/Rock & Jazz drew him overseas, where he absolved part of his course at two colleges of music (Holland & Germany). Right after finishing his degree in 1999, the versatile singer / songwriter immigrated to London as the lead singer of the London Hard Rock band ‘Stunt Double’. During his plentiful stays in Europe, Ike also fronted bands in Hamburg, Rotterdam, & Dresden. Ike Moriz has gained wide international acclaim as a singer / songwriter / performer & producer since starting to work as a solo artist with George Michael’s & Marc Almond’s producer S. Kent in London from 2002. Among the many international reviews, Ike has also received positive appraisal for his debut album by rock legend David Bowie who himself voted Ike’s songs as top original song of the week on his web site.

His first 3 singles FALL INTO THE SUN, YOU COULD and MIRRORS & SHADE have been aired on the radio & TV in 17 countries. Critics described him as “Bowie without the glam meets Oasis without the self-importance teamed with UK chart “alternative” without the boredom.”
Early last year Ike finished the ‘Mirrors and Shade Tour’ promoting his debut album of the same title in the UK, Holland, Italy & Germany. 

All singles reached high radio chart positions in the UK, Holland & SA and earned him immense support from an international fan base reflected on the ever-growing Moriz founded his very own record label MOSQUITO RECORDS LONDON 3 years ago in London, where he also nurtured his acting talents by starring as the male lead in the new American musical ‘Saving Anne’ & acting countless parts in various British and American feature films (Alfie, Bridget Jones, Love Actually, Shanghai Knights et al), commercials & TV series. Moriz has moved back home to the Cape last year for good. 

Invigorated by coming back home to his favourite country in late 2005, Ike Moriz has been extremely enthusiastic about promoting his brand-new album & single PLAY ME. It is currently being played on all radio stations (incl. 5FM, radio charts so far: no.1 MWEB, no.1 MFM, no.2 Kovsie FM) while the video of the album title track is on high rotation on MK89 (DSTV). It was filmed in Cape Town with Scratch Productions involving SA top director Johan Nel of Fokofpolisiekar fame & top model Lisa-Marie Schneider (Cosmo, FHM). Ike has also just filmed another music video for his upcoming single I FEEL REAL of the same album. It will be launched at the trendy Sandton venue FASHION TV CAFý on 8.9.06. The jet-setting pop star who has just signed a sponsorship deal with LP Unlimited Productions and YDE designers ‘Trigger’ and ‘Billionaire’, was also recently interviewed on PITSTOP (SABC2), TOP BILLING (SABC3), SHOWBIZ REPORT (E-TV), JIP (MK89), GO (DSTV84), FREE SPIRIT (SABC3), Backstage (E-TV), & MORNING EDITION (E-TV). All shows played the music video & the grand CD launch events at Rhodes House in Cape Town (11/05) and Fashion Cafý in Johannesburg (03/06). Considering the short time that Ike’s been back in SA, media interest in him & his music has been overwhelming with full page articles on him in newspapers and magazines nationwide.

59. Cosmopolitan Magazine, South Africa, August 2006, page 32, Hot Talent: "Ike Moriz, 31, Singer and Songwriter”

Multitalented Moriz is an international recording artist who has been performing in England for the past five years. Hi single ‘You Could’ was voted ‘Song of the week’ on David Bowie’s official website in 2004. Now back in South Africa, he’s released his second album, called 'Play Me’. His rock/indie sound is acoustic and edgy but still made for easy listening.

Cosmopolitan Magazine August 2006 Hot Talent Ike Moriz Singer Songwriter page 32 excerpt

Moriz studied in SA, Germany and Holland and, after spending time on the SA rock scene, decided to seek his fortune in the UK. Now he’s back in Cape Town and eager to connect with local fans, saying, ‘Countries, borders and flags build walls between all of us. Music can break them down and unite us.’

When he’s not playing music, Moriz does a little acting and has made appearances in hit movies such as Alfie, Love Actually and Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason.

Ike Moriz, 


His rock/indie sound is acoustic and edgy but still made for easy listening" 

58. GQ Magazine, South Africa, July 2006

‘Doing jobs we don’t like to buy shit we don’t need…’ (Branded, The Tears - Album: Refugees)

"I was struggling to decide wether to stay in London or move back to South Africa. This song triggered the final decision to get on the plane." - Ike Moriz

Ike Moriz quote in GQ Magazine July 2006

57. CD Wherehouse, SA, 01.05.2006

Underneath the radar
"...South African rocker Ike Moriz actually has the musical muscle to back up his own hype.And his uncanny Bowie croon isn't the only thing that makes Play Me worth tuning into either: Moriz runs the retro rock gamut from hook-heavy 70s glam rock swaggers ("Hey, Hey-hey, Hey") to Britpop breezes reminiscent of Suede's shoegazing ("Play Me") or Blur's anthems ("Every Time The Sun"), and edgier Brel-meets-Bowie piano ballad implosions 
("The Sad Songs")."

56. FHM Magazine, Hagen Engler, South Africa, March 2006 issue, CD review of “Ike Moriz - Play Me"

“This dude wears his influences with about as much subtlety as a man wearing one of those hats you can drink beer from. which is not a bad thing if you like beer. Or rather, if you like your indie pop with large doses of seventies Bowie via nineties Suede you'll dig this. Ike hails from the Cape but has spent time in the UK perfecting his British accent and pop sensibilities. He also acquired a taste for eye-liner, but don't let that put you off, this cat writes a fine tune. Listen to it when wearing velvet and drinking martinis! Tracks to download – Play me, Light is dark and The sad songs."

55. Clarissa Grobler, "Volksblad / Jip", Bloemfontein, South Africa, 03.04.2006: “Ike Moriz - Musiek vir die ore"

Clarissa Grobler Volksblad Jip Bloemfontein South Africa 3 April 2006 Ike Moriz - Musiek vir die ore

WANNEER ’n musiekmaker al met die legendariese David Bowie vergelyk is, weet jy dié man is nie sommer ’n hierjy in die bedryf nie. Veral as jy, nadat jy sy CD ’n ronde deur jou CD-speler laat gly het, kop knik en sê: “Is ja.” Ike Moriz is akteur, musiekmaker en het ’n nuwe CD, Play Me, waarvan die musiek ’n edge het wat jou hoendervel gee. Genuine. En as jy my vra, sommige musiekmakers groen van jaloesie kan maak. CLARISSA GROBLER het meer uitgevind oor Ike se loopbaan, passies en toekomsplanne.

Jou musiek is al vergelyk met dié van kunstenaars soos Pulp, Suede en David Bowie. Hoe sou jy jou musiek beskryf?

My liedjies is uniek, nogal dramaties en teatraal. Hulle het baie ritme en sterk melodieë, hoewel die musiek ’n slight edge het, en allerhande gevoelens na vore bring.

Jy het onlangs jou tweede ateljee-album, Play Me, uitgereik. Hoe verskil dit van Mirrors and Shade?

Play Me is verlede jaar geskryf en opgeneem binne ’n kort tyd, terwyl Mirrors and Shade oor meer as vier jaar ontwikkel het.

Dit is baie meer upbeat, driven en sexy as my debuut-album, want dit weerspieël intense veranderinge in my persoonlike lewe: Dit gaan alles oor terugtrek na Suid-Afrika, life on the road en die verbreek van bande met Londen, terwyl van die vorige liedjies my lewe in Engeland beskryf nadat ek my studie voltooi het.

Jy skryf en komponeer ook jou eie musiek. Wat inspireer jou? Verkies jy sekere musiekstyle – soos meer rock-edged of meer van ’n ballade-gevoel?

Die dinge wat my emosioneel die meeste inspireer, is die grootste inspirasie vir my liedjies. Hulle weerspieël sterk die manier waarop ek die wêreld rondom my ervaar.

Onlangs het ek baie geïnspireerd geraak om meer upbeat materiaal te skryf, omdat dit gevoelens nog sterker kan oordra.

Ek het dit voorheen baie makliker en bevredigend ervaar om baie stadige en dramatiese liedjies te skryf, maar dit het in die afgelope jaar baie verander.

Deesdae kan ek oor enige musiekstyl hartstogtelik voel.

Wat is so ver jou gunsteling-liedjie wat jy geskryf het?

Dit verander elke week . . . maar ek het nogal ’n obsessie met Light is dark na dese gehad. Vir my vat dié liedjie die tweeledigheid van die lewe perfek saam, ’n onderwerp wat dit op ’n manier reg kry om by die meeste van my liedjies in te sluip.

Tog, Still van my vorige album is ook al lank ’n gunsteling.

Jy het in 1999 na Londen getrek. Wat het jy die meeste van Suid-Afrika gemis?

Die ongelooflike klimaat en natuur – veral vir oggendstappies na die berge. Ek is beslis vir ’n ruk nou terug in Suid-Afrika.

Beste gig wat jy al ooit gehad het?

Amsterdam in die somer van 2004 was ’n hoogtepunt!

Jy het ook kameerolle in Bridget Jones 2 en Alfie gehad. Hoe was dit om op dié fliekstelle te werk?

Ons het baie lang ure gewerk – partykeer tot 17 uur per dag om 30 sekondes van die eintlike fliek te skep.

Ek het veral Alfie geniet, waarin ek ’n kroegman gespeel het en die groepe ekstras op stel by ’n Nuwejaarspartytoneel wat in Londen/Canada Water verfilm was, moes cheer.

Dit is in ’n mate tog ontnugterend om op fliekstelle te werk. Die finale fliek stem min ooreen met wat in baie dae verfilm is. Tonele word herhaaldelik verfilm uit allerhande hoeke en die akteurs moet dieselfde ding oor en oor speel.

Dit was baie anders as my ervaring as teater- en musiekbly?spelakteur waar jy net een “take” op die verhoog het.

Ek het klein rolle in amper elke Britse sepie gehad en ontelbare Britse en Amerikaanse hoofprente. Ek is mal oor flieks, maar nadat ek agter die skerms gesien het wat aangaan, het die betowering van flieks nogal vir my verdwyn.

Ek geniet wel werk as akteur en kunstenaar, en ek het dit ook baie geniet om musiekvideo’s te doen.

Wat is jou toekomsplanne loopbaan– en toergewys?

My onmiddellike planne is om nog twee musiekvideo’s in Suid-Afrika te verfilm, dan die album in Johannesburg te launch, en om deur die land te toer.

Daarna gaan ek my volgende album in Londen of dalk selfs Kaapstad opneem en ’n klein toer aan die einde van die jaar in Europa doen.

Ek wil ook aanhou toneelspeel, miskien teater, kortprente of produksies in Suid-Afrika.

Meer oor Ike:

Verjaardag: 14 Mei; Gunsteling-kos: Soesji; 
Gunsteling-boek: Illusions (Richard Bach); 
Gunsteling-fliek: Underground (Emir Kusturica); 
Gunsteling-musiek: Enige musiek wat my kan inspireer, soos Pleasure Club, The Tears, Snow Patrol a & Richard Wagner; 
Gunsteling-vakansieplek: Namibië; 
Beste gewoonte: Lag baie; 
Beste raad: Do what you’re afraid to do and have faith in the divine energy within yourself.

55. ZA Zone, 2005 Music Awards, 29.3.2006

2005 Awards ZAZone Ike Moriz Top 5 vocalist in South Africa 2006

At the end of 2004 posted a questionnaire which would allow the general public to vote for their favourite artists, bands and venues.

2005 saw quite a substantial shift in SA music - bands that were fairly big in 2004 got bigger, unknown bands started getting more exposure and, sadly, some big bands, such as Kelvin Declined and Soulja just seemed to disappear, as if making way for the new talent. Speaking of which, many bands released their debut albums - Scarlet Box, Undersound, Chris Chameleon in his solo career, The SlashDogs, The Doppler Effect, f...Etc and Soul Riot, to name but a few. also received hordes of EPs, including those of Aces High, Sub Rosa and Autopilot. You know what that means, don`t you? It means that those bands are likely to release full-length albums soon, which is always good news! 

We also saw the loss of several artists, including Chas Smit (who was with Plush) who was voted as the best guitarist for 2005 by Plush also received best band award on the back of fierce voting in the `Best band` category. grew astronomically during 2005 and topped 12000 unique visitors in the month of November 2005 - let`s hope that this growth can be sustained! Another big step in SA music came with the launch of MK89, providing an awesome platform for bands to receive exposure. 2006 is geared to be a great year in the SA music scene... Sadly, however (as reported last year), SA music is still struggling to find exposure on our local and international airwaves. Workload, unfortunately, has also put a lot of pressure on Nik and Tony ( editors) and`s become a `back seat` hobby, yet manages to still perform very well. (If you`d like to help please contact Nik or Tony.)

Now, without much further ado, we present the 2005 Awards!

Category: Best drummer

5. Doyle (Epicure) 4. Mark Chandler (Verismo) 3. Mike Horne (Hog Hoggidy Hog) 2. Artur Pereira (VOL) 1. Gareth Haze (12th Avenue)

Category: Best guitarist

5. Reverend Wright (The SlashDogs) 4. Johnny De Ridder (Fokofpolisiekar) 3. Albert Frost (Albert Frost) 2. Bjorn Faree (12th Avenue) 1. Chas Smit (Plush)

Category: Best bassist

5. Will (Tonight We Die) 4. Schalk Van Der Merwe (Bed On Bricks) 3. Helen Wescott (Wicked City) 2. Frik du Preez (Sub-Rosa)1. Angelo Thomas (12th Avenue)

Category: Best vocalist

5. Ike Moriz (Ike Moriz) 4. Zolani Mahola (Freshly Ground) 3. Craig (Syphon Echo) 2. Arno Carstens (Arno Carstens) 1. Andrew Mac (Flat Stanley)

Category: Best album/EP

5. Hello Goodbye Boys (Arno Castens) 4. Taxi Violence EP 3. A Few Blinding Views (Plush) 2. Aces High EP (Aces High) 1. Crazy (12th Avenue)

Category: Best band

5. The Narrow4. FokOfPolisieKar 3. Taxi Violence 2. VOL 1. Plush

Category: Best Venue

5. Burn 4. back2basix 3. Blues room 2. Independent Armchair Theatre 1. Mercury Live and Lounge

54. Christina Kennedy, “The Citizen", Johannesburg, SA, 09.03.2006

The Citizen SA's own indie-pop idol Ike Moriz 9 March 2006



He’s one of the few South African musicians to have met with success in the UK lately, yet Ike Moriz has decided to return here to settle. Christina Kennedy spoke to him. Many South African pop-rock outfits look to America for their inspiration. Not so Ike Moriz. This Capetonian’s style pays fond tribute to Britpop and Seventies glam rock. Moriz has returned to settle in South Africa after pursuing a relatively successful music career in London for the past five years. This week has seen him launching his album Play Me in Joburg, with another gig scheduled for tonight at the Blues Room in Sandton.Moriz has lately been enjoying airplay on 5FM, OFM and campus radio stations with the title track from his second album, which he wrote and produced himself. It seems his infectious, melodic, dramatic indie-pop is finding favour with an increasing number of South Africans, having already been widely hailed in the UK and Europe. 

He has been described as “Bowie without the glam meets Oasis without the self-importance teamed with UK chart alternative without the boredom”. However, Moriz confides that while the constant comparisons with Bowie are flattering, they do get a bit tiresome. After all, it’s natural for every artist to want to be defined in terms of his or her own style and not be known as a pastiche of others, but most people, it seems, feel the need to fit new musical endeavours into their frame of reference. Nonetheless, if you’re going to be compared to anyone, The Thin White Duke himself is not a bad place to start... And Bowie himself once voted Moriz’s song You Could single of the week on his website – quite an endorsement. So who exactly is Ike Moriz?
Blonde, blue-eyed and distinctly Scandinavian-looking, Moriz is truly 
a citizen of the world. Thanks to his parents, he had a jet-setting childhood, and was fortunate enough to study music in South Africa, Germany and the Netherlands.As a child, he was “an early Shakin’ Stevens fan” (brave of him to admit that) and also listened to the Eurythmics, Bowie, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, Velvet Underground and the Talking Heads, shaping, no doubt, his affinity for indie pop/rock with a distinctly English flavour.

After completing his studies, he decided to try his luck in London’s cut-throat music scene. “I’d always wanted to see what London was like, considering that musicians like Suede, Pulp and Blur built their careers there. I wanted to see where that feeling in their music stemmed from. And I love Monty Python, and I wanted to see where the British acting world got their inspiration from.“But when I got there, it was actually very different to what I expected. Some Londoners are very rough, and it’s very expensive to live there. I managed to fit in there musically – people there have always liked my music – but there’s a lot of competition. But it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be.”Seemingly born under a lucky star, early on Moriz met up with George Michael’s and Marc Almond’s producer Steve Kent, who put him in touch with a great set of session musicians who were into the same music as he was, and he ended up doing both albums with them.He also did some work on movie sets, playing small parts in movies such as Alfie, Bridget Jones’s Diary 2 and Love, Actually, as well as playing a body double in Wimbledon.

Having achieved some success and acclaim in 17 countries with his first three singles, though, he became thoroughly homesick and has returned to South Africa.“I’ve had enough of London,” he says. “It was fun and I learned a lot, but I think I’ve learned what I had to learn. I’m most at home in Cape Town. It was an emotional decision to return to South Africa – it felt like the right thing to do.” His plans are to focus on establishing himself in South Africa and continue running his own label, as well as doing some acting on the side. However, he reluctantly admits that he may have to keep up his profile overseas as well. “I just don’t wanna go,” he says mock-petulantly. He is currently working on the video for a song called I Feel Real.Moriz will be playing with The Parlotones tonight, and says that he is gratified to hear how “authentic” South African bands are sounding. “They’re not necessarily trying to sound American any more. Kwaito artists aren’t rapping about corvettes in LA, which they know nothing about, but about their own stuff. It’s more interesting.”What can locals expect from his live show? “
A very high-energy, theatrical experience” Bowie would be pleased...* Visit for more information.

53. Cornelia Le Roux, Die Burger, Cape Town, South Africa, 27.02.2006: “Ike verras aspirant-joernaliste by koerant-kursus"

Cornelia Le Roux Die Burger Cape Town 27 February 2006

 (caption: Ike Moriz vermaak leerders Saterdag by Die Burger en Media24 se skoolkoerantkursus in Parow-Noord.)

52. Jane Mayne, Cape Times, Cape Town, SA, 06.01.2006

"... Most of the songs are put together with a bare-bones backing which provides a somewhat jerky backdrop that echoes early 1970s Brit bands - This is Moriz's second studio album with Mosquito Records, recorded after his Mirrors and Shade tour last April, and it perfectly captures his Bowie-esque leanings."

51. Karin Burger, Kaap-Rapport, Cape Town, SA, 27.11.2005: "Ike Moriz is terug  om te bly

Karin Burger Kaap-Rapport Cape Town South Africa 27 November 2005 Ike Moriz is terug om te bly

TERUG IN DIE SON: Ike Moriz sê hy het Suid-Afrika te veel gemis en het nou Seepunt sy huis gemaak. Foto: NASIEF MANIE


"Ek het Kaapstad te veel gemis - ek is nou terug om te bly." Sô gesels die rockmusikant Ike Moriz nadat hy die afgelope vyf en 'n half jaar Londen sy tuiste gemaak het. Hy het in Maart vanjaar Suid-Afrika besoek en net daar besluit hy wil terugkom. Ike is terug Engeland toe, waar hy sy woonstel, motor en ander besittings verkoop het, en op 1 Mei was hy terug in sy geboorteland met net twee tasse. 

Sy nuwe CD Play me, is onlangs in Kaapstad bekend gestel en tot die einde van die jaar wil hy op Kaapse gehore fokus. "Vroeg volgende jaar sal ek ook 'n CD-bekendstelling in Johannesburg doen, maar vir nou geniet die Moederstad en sy mense voorkeur."

Ike sê hy wil ook volgende jaar die pad vat en al die musiekfeeste bywoon. Die musikant is geen onbekende in die internasionale musiekarena nie. Vorige enkelsnitte wat wêreld wyd die toptrefferlyste gehaal het, sluit in "Fall into the sun" en "You could”.

Nie net was die twee liedjies plaaslike treffers nie, maar dit het ook met top-posisies gespog op Matchbox Radio 24 Chart en Halo Radio in Nederland. Boonop het musieklegende David Bowie "You could" as sy "Liedjie van die week" in 2004 benoem. 

Ike se liedjies word wêreldwyd op meer as 100 radiostasies in nie minder nie as 17 lande gespeel. Sy nuwe album, wat in Londen opgeneem is, kry ook lofsange van mede-kunstenaars. "Dié album was beslis die wag werd en bied die luisteraar ’  dekadente, emosionele, dramatiese en amper teatrale wêreld - alles in een," sê Dale Olivier van Matchbox 24. 

Ike sê hy besef hy sal weer moet teruggaan Londen toe, want hy het al 'n goeie verstandhouding met kunstenaars daar opgebou en sal hulle weer wil gebruik met die vervaardiging van sy volgende album. Ná 'n afwesigheid van amper ses jaar aan die plaaslike musiekfront is hy baie opgewonde oor nuwe groepe wat die laaste tyd verrys het. "Ek word steeds aangenaam verras as ek die radio aanskakel en elke keer nuwe musiekgroepe hoor. "Toe ek die land verlaat het, was die plaaslike musiek nie op peil met die res van die wêreld nie, maar nou kan ons enige dag meeding met die internasionale mark." Hy sê ook die kompetisie onder plaaslike kunstenaars is nou so sterk dat niemand meer swak musiek kan maak en dan daarmee kan wegkom nie. Just Jinger bly een van sy gunstelinge. Ike is nie net sanger nie, maar het ook al sy lyf akteur gehou in rolprente - as ’n kroegman in Alfie, 'n pianis in Bridget Jones: The edge of reason en 'n joernalis in Love Actually.

50. Leon Muston (The Herald), Port Elisabeth, South Africa, 25.11.2005

IKE Moriz is a South African who has spent the last few years living in the UK and this change of environment seems to have influenced his musical style on the album Play Me (Mosquito Records).

The title-track is an up tempo song similar to Franz Ferdinand or Kaiser Chiefs, while Hey, Hey-hey, Hey has an early 90s Brit pop feel. His vocal style at times sounds like David Bowie, although at others it could remind listeners of Prefab Sprout's Paddy McAloon.The result is quite a diverse album, which is highly recommended.

49. Evan Milton, Cape Argus, Cape Town, SA, 10.11.2005: "Moriz back in SA after rocking the UK"

Evan Milton Cape Argus Cape Town SA 10 November 2005 Moriz back South Africa after rocking the UK

"Ike Moriz is something of a paradox: he's part German and part South African, and the unsentimental precision of the one surfaces as often as the slightly self-deprecating, yet easy-going nature of the other. Then there's this business of making it overseas in less than 6 years to garner interest from George Michael's recording studio, earn a nod of approval from David Bowie, boast respectable European live-gig and radio impact and then decide to head home to the Cape. 

After graduating from our College of Music, Moriz relocated to London in 1999, fronting bands there and in Rotterdam and Hamburg before going solo and recording his debut EP, Fall Into the Sun (2002). Back home,its title track hit Stellenbosch's MFM No1 spot. A second EP, You Could, followed, reaching No.1 on the UK's Matchbox Radio, and the Top10 on Holland's Halo FM. Perhaps more importantly, early in 2003, the title song was voted Song of the Week by Bowie himself on Impressive after only four years in the Big Smoke. His sophomore EPs and debut album, Mirrors and Shade (2004), have more than a smattering of Bowie-styled vocal bends, and left of center lyrics in them, but there are also hints of Blur and Oasis. And, to Bandstand, though Moriz certainly has his own unique  style, the earlier work has suggestions of a somewhat sane, somewhat sanguine Syd Barrett - another contradiction. 

Meeting Moriz, one is unsure whether to guide him to a chair and go easy on the radio interview, or be on full alert for an industry-hardened veteran. He's a nice guy, but he's no fool, and he knows there's a mountain of work ahead. Making that road easier is a launch-sponsorship from Chivas Regal, promoting "the Chivas life" and a forthcoming video directed by Johan Nel (Fokofpoliesikar's image maestro). Moriz's new CD is called Play Me and it is being launched tomorrow at Rhodes House at 60 Queen Victoria Street, Gardens. ... Doors open at 9.30pm, video screening and performance at 10pm. Cost: R50. More on

48. The Capetowner, Cape Town, SA, 10.11.2005

The CapeTowner November 2005 Coming Home To Play Ike Moriz Play Me

"International rock musician Ike Moriz will spills theatrical, edgy pop into Rhodes House at the "Play Me" CD launch on Friday November 11. Based in London since 1999, Moriz has returned to his home in South Africa with a new drive and energy that springs from his exposure to many different countries and life on the road. Moriz has been described as 'Bowie without the glam meets Oasis without the self-importance, teamed with UK chart 'alternative' without the boredom'.

Moriz is back with a new 8-track CD: the title track "Play Me"opens softly with "Hey, hey-hey, hey", and picks up tempo with heavier rock guitar in parts. Other tracks include the dark decadent pop of "Visionary" and the epic and grand Bowie-esque piano ballad "Another Day". Previous worldwide hit singles have included "Fall Into the Sun" and "You Could", which topped charts from the SA Top Ten, Matchbox Radio 24 chart to Halo Radio in The Netherlands. "You Could" was voted "Song of the Week" by Bowie himself in 2004. Moriz's songs were also featured on over 100 radio stations worldwide and put Ike on the map as a leading Indie pop star.

'All together an album well worth the wait that lives in a decadent, emotional, dramatic and almost theatrical world,' said Dale Olivier of Matchbox Radio 24 in the UK. This scorching internationol rock session opens its doors at Rhodes House on Queen Victoria Street on Friday November 11 at 10pm ... "

47. Cape Argus, Cape Town, SA, 09.11.2005, “Read all about it"

"...this week's hottest party is probably the being held at Rhodes House this Friday, where international rock musician Ike Moriz will take the stage. Moriz spills theatrical, edgy pop into Rhodes House (60 Queen Victoria Street) at the PLAY ME 
CD LAUNCH, sponsored by Chivas Regal Premium Scotch Whiskey.

Based in London since 1999, Moriz has returned to his home in South Africa with a new drive and energy that springs from his exposure to many different countries and life on the road. He has been described as "Bowie without the glam meets Oasis without the self-importance teamed with UK chart 'alternative' without the boredom..."

Cape Argus Tonight 9 November 2005 hottest party Ike Moriz Rhodes House Chivas Regal Whiskey

46. Barney Simon, Tuks FM, Pretoria, SA, 16/10/2005

"I dig the album. Good songs. ... I will play 'Evaluate Me' on my show on Monday,18.10.05 on the SA music explosion. 21h00-21h30. Rock on!"

45.Tony Dee,, Cape Town, SA, 16.9.2005, Ike Moriz - Play Me

"Ike Moriz is back with a new 8 track CD: `Play Me`.It opens softly with `Hey, hey-hey, hey` but the song picks up tempo. It got pop elements to it, but has heavier rock guitar work in parts," ... "`Play Me`, the title track, is very good - great lyrics, good hooks and nice mix of music and vocals - no wonder it was chosen as the title track. `I Feel Real` takes one or two listens before becoming a song that you can really enjoy, it`s different and has a good edge to it. `Every Time The Sun` slows things down with a slight acoustic guitar feel, a very good variation between the other tracks. `Light Is Dark` is my second favourite song on the CD. The chorus is filled with backing vocals which adds a great effect to the song." ..."`Dull Blue Eyes` makes up for the previous song and is quite catchy. The album closes with `The Sad Songs` which slows things down and is one of those typical slow... well... sad songs... The piano in the song really sets a great atmosphere.
Ike has grown significantly after releasing his first CD and `Play Me` is a step up, and in the right direction." ..."fortunately for South African Ike Moriz fans, he`s back in South Africa and will be playing at venues around the country - so look out for Ike and get hold of his CD. There are videos and images on the website.

44. Kim Wild,, Cape Town, SA, 2.3.2005, Ike Moriz live at the Acoustic Café, Muizenberg

Kim Wild Cape Town South Africa 2 March 2005 Ike Moriz live at the Acoustic Café Muizenberg

Can one refer to a gig as being romantic? Well, I just did! It was initially the setting with the low lighting and candles ... and then it was the presence of Ike, a single person that held his own on stage.

I must be honest and say that I hadn't heard of Ike until that evening, which is pretty embarrassing considering that I pride myself in knowing what I consider to be a lot of South African bands and artists, especially the very talented, so I don't know how he slipped by me. I'm going to try using the excuse that he has been overseas for the past few years! He does however still say 'Ja' a fair bit which is fantastic to hear and at least we know that he hasn't forgotten his roots; an accent comes across more in his singing than his speech. I have read in numerous places that he sounds like David Bowie and it must be quite annoying to be compared to someone else all the time when you're writing your own original material, even though everyone has their, what you might call, 'musical influences'. He then ironically sang a Bowie cover and I saw what the critics meant! He sounds a lot like him!

I loved every song he played; `Drowning` I had listened to on a website earlier in the day and was thrilled when he sang that second - it’s a great song. I was sorry to see the set come to an end and was sorry to have the cat leave my lap where it had been sitting all evening - Acoustic Café is a truly classic place!

Ike deserves all the international acclaim he gets and will hopefully be more recognised on the local scene as well. I would have to agree with "he’s like Bowie without the glam meets Oasis without the self-importance teamed with UK chart 'alternative' without the boredom."

43. Thomas Feist, Crossover review, Germany, January 2005 "Mirrors and Shade”: 

"... A voice as melodic as Lennon and as cool as David Bowie… arrangements full of hooky choruses and dark theatrical pop… highly recommended, buy the album!”

Crossover review Mirrors and Shade Ike Moriz January 2005 Germany

Hier nun eine Empfehlung für eine Platte, die ich sicher ihrer äußeren Aufmachung wegen nie nie nie gekauft hätte. Aber das wäre eine verpasste Gelegenheit gewesen. Merke: Es geht nicht um das Äußere, auf die inneren Werte kommt es an! Was ist drinnen nun zu hören? Ein fragiles dennoch stimmiges Arrangement aus spartanischer Instrumentierung und einer Stimme, die zwischen Lennonschen Wendungen in der Gesangsführung und der Coolness eines David Bowie anzusiedeln ist, sparsam und gerade deswegen effektvoll mit denselben angereichert. Und siehe da - so schlecht hab ich in meiner Einschätzung gar nicht gelegen. Der mittlerweile in London ansässige Südafrikaner Moriz wurde nicht nur vom Indiepop-Fanzine Spinzone als neuer Bowie tituliert, Sir David himself votete für zwei Morizsche Songs in der Kategorie "Song of the week" in den Niederlanden. Die gelegentlich etwas dark-angehauchte Popsentimentalität verleiht den Songs neben einer interessanten Melodieführung und ohrwurmtauglichen Chorussen eine besondere Note. In Britannien und den USA ist Ike mittlerweile gut im Geschäft, in Deutschland wäre ihm das auch vergönnt. Und Du kannst anfangen, indem Du diese Platte erwirbst - es lohnt sich ... Kontakt:, 

Tracklist: 1. Another Day 2. Mirrors And Shade - Radio Mix 3. Fall Into The Sun 4. Flame Blue 5. You Could (Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, ...) - Radio Mix 6. Still 7. Visionary - Radio Mix 8. Drowning (In London Town) - Radio Mix 9. Our Gold 10. Fake Fatale 11. Another Day - Reprise   

42. Elizma Nolte, SA TIMES article, London, UK, July 2004: "Making it in London"

"Ike Moriz has a claim to fame that few other South African musicians can boast – he has shared a movie set with René Zellweger. The young musician landed a role as a singing piano player in her latest Bridget Jones II movie. But Moriz has far bigger dreams for his music career than a small stint in a Hollywood film. Moriz has been trying to break into the UK music scene and make a name for himself internationally. Competing with the thousands of bands that perform on the London circuit every night is extremely difficult, he admits. Due to the internet and all that big labels also haven’t got the money they used to have. They tend to only go with the sure bets and the Pop Idols."It’s a pity, says Moriz. "There’s so much talent out there – just go to Camden and see.
Then you turn on the radio and you think: ‘what’s going on here?’." It’s this amazing wealth of acting and music talent that attracted Moriz to the UK in the first place, as well as the fact that South African music seemed to be going nowhere at the time. " When I left Cape Town the music scene over there was pretty dark. It was all ‘local is lekker stuff’. Now it is very different. There is a new breed of South African music coming up – interesting and very different." His own music Moriz describes first and foremost as "interesting", secondly as "edgy pop". " People say it sounds a lot like Bowie or Morrissey." 
Ike’s first single, Fall into the Sun, has received wide radio play and high acclaim in South Africa. 
So much so that Moriz has been inspired to return to his home country for a tour. " I’ll go wherever people want to hear my music,"says Moriz. "If things pick up in South Africa, I wouldn’t mind going back there for good. I miss the quality of life there. Moriz recently recorded his debut album Mirrors and Shade here in the UK. It is available at as well as at"

41. David Bowie, New York, USA, June 2004

Click here and listen to the official "MIRRORS & SHADE - June 2004ALBUM MEDLEY" (2.8Mb), that has just been voted 
"Featured Original Music of the Week"
 at (7.6.04) 

40. Zazone, proudly South African Music, Cape Town, SA, June 2004

"Capetownian Ike Moriz moved to London in 1999 and has been 
building up his musical talent until now with the release of his debut album `Mirrors and Shade`. 
Ike's style is unique, but extremely familiar, sounding like a cross between David Bowie and Suede. His band consists of several musicians who've worked with Ike for a while, including Jim Barnes on guitars..."

"...What's very pleasing about the album as a whole is that, 
although similar to David Bowie, Ike does not attempt to mimic 
his work (or cover it), but rather release 
a pleasing sound unique to Ike
`Mirrors and Shade`, the title track, for some reason did not move me as much as I expected it would. I find that `Another Day`, `Fall Into The Sun` and `Flame Blue` are better tracks. `Still` is a laid-back emotive ballad while `Visionary` has a very 
good rock riff running through the track. `Drowning` is a good track, laced with familiarity..."

"...Overall a good album with a classic sound which should appeal to pop and light-rock fans alike. Some tracks don't quite seem to fit with the others in terms of a common theme, but 
they do show Ike's amazing ability to cross from style to style easily and keep the listener attracted to the album. A definite keeper, but watch out for future work from Ike Moriz, I think it's going to get even better!"

39. Tony Bates, 3WBC 94.1 FM, Victoria, Australia, May 2004

Absolutely excellent!

38., (customer reviews), UK, May 2004

"...charming and addictive"

"...I was hooked right away!"

"It just ripped my heart out!"

Click here to check out the complete customer reviews here

37. Magic Mushroom Records, Holland, May 2004

After his great Singles Fall Into The Sun and You Could, now his debut album Mirrors & Shade: Mirrors & Shade opens with the hauntingly good song Another Day, Ike' s voice is as good as it gets and the recording is sublime, to be honest, we couldn't' stop listening to it. Along with a bunch of new songs, the songs You Could (thrill me, kiss me, kill me, ...), Visionary and Drowning are also on this full album release, AND RIGHTLY SO!!! Ike and his band are spot on and all we can say is: A Big Congrats from us to Ike and his team !!!

36. Dale Olivier, Matchbox Radio24, London, UK, May 2004

After much anticipation and hard work the debut album " Mirrors and Shade" from IKE MORIZ has landed on planet earth. Featuring the worldwide hit singles "Fall into the Sun" and "You Could" that topped many charts from The SA Top Ten, Matchbox Radio 24 Chart to Halo Radio in The Netherlands. "You Could" was actually voted as "Song of the Week" by Bowie himself. The songs were also featured on over 100 Radio stations worldwide and put Ike on the map as a bonafide Indie pop star

This album features 11 tracks of pure emotional glamour pop. The new single and title track " Mirrors and Shade" is dark, infectious, melodic and has a massive chorus that sticks in your head and never leaves. "Still" that was featured on UK SKY TV for  millions to see is an incredible pop ballad that is cleverly crafted and extremely melodic. It is the song Suede were always looking for. Moriz was recently described as "Better than Bowie himself" by Island FM.  Other tracks include the dark decadent pop of "Visionary" and the epic and grand Bowie-esq piano ballad "Another Day". Ike also recently starred in "Bridget Jones 2" playing and singing the piano. All together well worth the wait and a superb album that lives in a decadent, emotional, dramatic almost theatrical worldProper emotional melodic pop with a shiny surface and a huge anthemic mood.

Release - Mosquito Records London 2004

35. By Spinzone, Pennsylvania, USA, May 2004

Hip-ometer Rating ~ 9.4

Ike Moriz - "Mirrors & Shade" Ike, if you didn't know, 

could best be described as South Africa's answer to David Bowie and this is his debut LP. At first I thought he committed 
a faux pas by putting all the songs from his first 2 EP's on
this album. Because who will buy them when they can get 
everything here? However, by and large they are all mixed 
differently and not just the music, as the vocal tracks are 
redone as well. That essentially makes them all new 
versions, so it's interesting for people who were aware and
it still leaves reason to get the original ep's if you like it. This 
was particularly clear on the track 
Fall Into The Sun which I 
always liked, but I think
 I prefer this new version even more.
That pretty much is the feeling for most of the re-recorded 
stuff here. 
It was all good to begin with, and doing it over 
didn't hurt as it often does. At worst the songs are different, 
but at least as good if not usually better. The tracks new to 
this outing tend to be more on the lighter side, perhaps 
because the other stuff was very "single" oriented to begin with. 
Songs like 
Still or Fake Fatale are really nice adult styled ballads and fit with the rest very well. About the only critique is there is a degree of style variety on the album, which does prevent it from having a common theme or thread that ties it all together. I think this is because Ike has true talent, but he needs to find his footing. He's still teething as it were, but at that it's some fairly delicious bites. He's like Bowie without the glam meets Oasis without the self importance teamed with UK chart "alternative" without the boredomCertainly worth checking out, that's for sure! sound clip video - Still

Label ~ Mosquito, 11 Tracks, 2004 

34. Tony Bates, 3WBC 94.1 FM, Victoria, Australia, May 2003

"Ike Moriz, fresh from South Africa, based in London now, has a great debut album out. Top notch songs, without being either retro or pretentious; instantly memorable leaving you wanting more. So now we know where David Bowie gained his influence from!"

33. David Bowie, New York, USA, March 2003

David Bowie voted YOU COULD "SONG OF THE WEEK" at!! (18.3.03). He also made the live-version of Ike's STILL "SONG OF THE WEEK" (11.3.03)!!

32. Matchbox Recordings, London, UK, March 2003, review of Ike Moriz's 'You Could' (EP/single, Mosquito Records London, London, UK)

"You Could" is the second single from number 1 Matchbox artist IKE MORIZ. This catchy and dreamy pop gem has already been played on 50 radio stations worldwide and has charted in South Africa, Holland and the UK . This single features a new track " Visionary" and a Radio edit of "Drowning". Ike was also recently voted for 'best song' by He delivers a poppy, radio friendly song with lots of Suede/Bowie esq. glamour and hit potential.

"You Could" is an infectious, melodic and melancholy Indie-pop classic." (MR)

31. Spinzone, John Kruscek, Pennsylvania, USA, February 2003

Hip-ometer Rating ~ 9.8

Ike Moriz - "You Could EP" This is the second release by my

friend Ike Moriz, a now London based South African. This takes
right from where the last single left off (same cover too) but I think he really finds himself on this new single. The title track is a dreamy Bowie like soundscape meets Oasis and it melds all the hooks of those two genres to perfection. It really ought to be climbing charts someplace. The second track, 
Visionary is actually a grungy outing, coming close to being like Nine Inch Nails with better vocals. (I would say he reminds me of a cross between Bowie and Peter Murphy of Bauhaus fame). It's got chirping, edgy guitar and a very black but sexy feel to it. The last track is a remix of the song Drowning from his last single, and I don't have the time or inclination to see how different they are. It sounds a little different I think. Well, it's 8 seconds shorter so something has  changed. But what matters is it's still good, and still reminds me of Suede or early Gene. OK Ike, you have talent. Let's see that long player already. And you can (and should) check him out here .
Label ~ Mosquito, 3 Tracks, 2003

30. Magic Mushroom Records, Holland, January 2003

This month on Magic Mushroom Records Review: IKE MORIZ

 You Could | Visionary | Drowning (radio edit)

Written by Ike Moriz, Recorded at Tin Pan Alley Studios & Motion Studios, London

A while ago we came in contact with Ike Moriz, a London based singer/songwriter. He sent us his latest CD-single called YOU COULD, recorded at Tin Pan Alley Studios, and released by Mosquito Records & Matchbox Recordings London. With this new release Ike shows that he' s very capable of writing catchy pop tunes. The title song YOU COULD is a relaxed pop song with a nice melody to it. Ike's vocals on this song are very strong. We think this song has hit potential !!!

The second song VISIONARY starts of with strong guitar chords and an aggressive drum pattern. Again the vocals are spot on! When you play this song, please turn up the volume, it really kicks ... Our favourite song on this CD is DROWNING. This sixties-like tune is right up our alley, because Magic Mushroom Records is all about sixties orientated music. It reminded us of David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust) and even a bit of The Beatles... Well, what more can we say?  YOU COULD is a winner ! We can' t wait for the next release. We give this release: 5 / 5 stars

29. G.J. Barclay, Soundwave FM, Napier, New Zealand, January 2003

"We have the song "You Could" in our daily play lists, and the comments received back over the past two weeks have been positive.  From our point of view: Another well composed and presented track promising a stronger future for Ike. Great style with a positive attitude coming through in the track as it is heard!"

28. Charlotte F., Radio Sirup, Siegen, Germany,January 2003

"In December we did get a copy of "You Could" and I really liked it. The tracks are fresh, they rock, and they are exactly the type of music we usually play. That's why we'll of course announce and play them."

27. Mike Williams, Vanguard Online, Sheffield, UK, January 2003

"You Could is the second single in recent times from Ike Moriz. 
It's a gently strummed indie track, something between Pulp 
and David Bowie. The power of Moriz's voice and his ability to hit just the right notes are the outstanding features (...)."

26. Eddie Schouten, Haloradio, Harderwijk, Holland, December 2002

"Great music. I also like track 2 " Visionary" a lot. We've put 
"You could" in our hit zone,  which means it will be played for at
least 4 times a day!"

25. Simon Charlwood, Island FM, Guernsey, UK, December 2002

"I like the single a lot!" (You could)

24., SA, December 2002

23. Magic Mushroom Records are reviewing YOU COULD on their website in Holland, December 2002

22. Wilroy Bennen, Multisound FM, Holland, December 2002

"I listened to your CD and I love it, all three songs.(...) We will 
certainly play your song on our show (...) I'm very enthusiastic and I can't wait to hear your latest single You Could!"

21. Kel Bailey, 3SUN FM, Australia, October 2002

"The single is great and the other tracks sound great as well. I would love to hear more of your stuff"

20. Radio Grischa, Switzerland, October 2002

"I like it!"

19. East FM 91.9, Nairobi, Kenya, October 2002

"We will start playing it come this weekend ... good effort!!"

18. University Radio York 1350AM, York, UK, October 2002

"Your single certainly sounds impressive..."

 17. Radio K101, Moscow, Russia, October 2002

"The music is wonderful and we will certainly play it on our radio!"

16. Radio St Helena, St Helena, October 2002

"We have listened to all three tracks and we have found them 
refreshing as they are different to the normal "run of the mill" 
stuff that's coming out now."

15. Drive 105.3 FM, Londonderry, Northern IrelandSeptember 2002

Brian Magoo Show: "We've received great feedback and we think that "Fall into the Sun" is a great tune."

14. Soundwave FM, Napier, New ZealandSeptember 2002

“Refreshing sound!" 

13. Castlebar 102.9 FM, IrelandSeptember 2002

John from CRC FM especially liked ANOTHER DAY, the second song on the single but he thought that it was over all "pretty amazing!"

12., Holland, September 2002 

"I've listened to the samples on the website and I must say you 
remind me somewhat of David Bowie and Suede. Normally I don't like to put a label on music or try to compare artists with each other, but these are not the least ones to be compared with." 

11. Heartland FM 97.5 MHz, Scotland, September 2002

"Good single,..., nice one! ... It'll be on rotation for a good while yet."

10. Vicky Smith, Matchbox Records, London, UK, 01.10.02

Staying in true English guitar pop mode we move onto a very new and fast rising star IKE MORIZ (originally from Cape Town/SA). This enigmatic solo artist delivers the bright and poppy classic "Fall into the sun". This song was recorded with Steve Kent who has in the past worked with George Michael ( yes from Wham). This song is not Club Tropicana but a very poppy and especially catchy song reminiscent of Ike's hero Bowie and a bit like Suede vocally also. Saying that the main strength to this song is the unstoppable and extremely catchy and warm chorus. This very well produced song also comes packed with everything from a string  section on the chorus to dreamy shimmering guitars and falsetto Brett Anderson could never have reached . It also boasts a very uplifting feeling and once you've heard it once you will never forget it. Great stuff from a solo artist proving it can be done your own way in style. Brilliant.   

 9. Radio Sotenäs 95.3 FM, Sweden, September 2002

"Fall into the sun' sounds great"

8. Indieradio, Washington D.C., USAAugust 2002

"Full of energy and potential; Ike's latest  single, 'Fall into the sun,' is definitely worth a listen."

7. LMFM 95.8, Drogheda, Ireland, September 2002

"I had a listen and was pleasantly surprised!"

6. The Worldwide Web Radio 3WR, South Africa, August 2002

 "I always love music with a strong piano presence (Another Day = favorite) and coupled with the strong and emotional voice your songs fit into my wide appreciation of great music! Well done!"

5. Spinzone, Pennsylvania, USA, Sept 2002

Hip-ometer Rating ~ 9

Ike Moriz - "Fall Into the Sun EP" Our Ike here is another bloke from South Africa and a friend of Dale Olivier who pointed him in my direction, whereupon he sent me this EP. He has been in a few other bands in and around Europe, but this is his first attempt at a solo career. (and it is a self released effort) The title track is very unusual in that it seems to tread in very modern waters while retaining many elements of 70's solo styling. He has quite an articulate voice and isn't afraid to use it, in almost a Bowie-esque way but with far more range. That was what probably made me unsure of this at first, as that isn't the kind of thing many can do so you don't exactly hear it often. The song itself is upbeat, but more ballad like than a true pop single. The sort of song that continually grows on you. The other tracks are Another Day which is a slow, emotive and plaintively sung song with very sparse instrumental accompaniment, but the emotion comes off as fairly genuine. The last track Drowning (In London Town) has a more modern line and sort of reminds me of perhaps a mix of the bands Gene and Suede. There are elements of blues guitar, funk groove, 70's glam and 90's Alternative rock on this disc. It's all that and none of it. He has a nice style and a good voice and if you buy singles and can get this it is quite recommended. I think, like Dale, his best stuff is yet to come, as he appears to be an artist whose power will grow as he comes to learn himself, and I look forward to hearing the debut LP. You can check out a trimmed mp3 of the title cut by clicking here. 

Label ~, 3 Tracks, 2002 

4. Matchbox Recordings, London, UK, 01.09.02

New solo artist IKE MORIZ releases this great new three track EP through Matchbox. "Fall Into The Sun" EP was produced at 
Tin Pan Alley studios by Steve Kent, who has previously worked 
with George Michael. Drawn to Ike’s surprising mix of enigmatic
lyrics and catchy melodies, Steve strengthened this paradox 
by adding deceptively simple guitar hooks. Based in London, Ike is of South African/German descent. His new style has emerged from his diverse musical experiences, fronting bands in Cape Town, Rotterdam and Hamburg, usually performing his own material. This EP features the title track " Fall into the sun" with it's extremely catchy and bright chorus and Bowie/Suede esq. feel. Expect loads of falsetto and heartfelt vocals and lyrics from this new class A entertainer. For full track listing click above.

3. SA FM (104-107FM) / Johannesburg, South Africa, August 2002

“It's fantastic"

2. AFK Max, Nuernberg, Germany, 25.08.02

"We enjoyed it - a pretty nice and typical Brit-Pop London Sound. Maybe Your Song 'Fall into the Sun' will find the way into the charts - we believe in it."

1. KFM 94.5, Richard Hardiman, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2002

"I love it, ... it sounds great!"